miércoles, 5 de diciembre de 2012

in my neigborhood

                                                               In my neigborhood
                                                               "Lazaro Cardenas"

In my neigborhood "Lazaro Cardenas":

1.- There in a school its name is "Baz Prada"

2.- There is my house its addrees is "Street Alpino Sherpas 239 #2375, Lazaro Cardenas , zip code 54189, Tlalnepantla.

3.- There in a hospital its name is "Clinic Community Health Center"

4.- There in a church its name is "San martin de Porres"

5.- There in a supermarket its name is "Bodega Aurrera"
 6.- There in a library its name is "House of Culture"

7.- There in a park its name is "Ecopark"

8.- There in a bakery its name is "Dam"

9.- There in a butchery its name is "The Vilchis"

10.- There in a store its name is "Rodriguez brothers"

11.- There in a market its name is "The Jaral"

12.- There in a gas station its name is "San Juanico"

13.- There in a museum its name is "Museum of Anthropology"
 14.- There in a bank its name is "Bancomer"
 15.- There in a bus station its name is "Route 66,64 and 18"
 16.- There in a mall its name is "Torres Lindavista"

17.- There in a police station its name is "#15"

18.- There in a move theater its name is "The Blanquita"

19.- There in a cinema its name is "Cinemex"
 20.- There in a restaurant its name is "The Chinese"

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